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- Dorota Praszalowicz

Dr. Dorota Praszalowicz
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Dr. Praszalowicz is based at Jagiellonian University and has published books and articles on Polish emigres in America: Stosunki polsko-niemieckie na obczyznie: Polscy i niemieccy imigranci w Milwaukee, Wisconsin (USA) 1860-1920 (1999), Agnieszka Malek / Dorota Praszalowicz (eds.): Between the Old and the New World. Studies in the History of Overseas Migrations (= Migration - Ethnicity - Nation: Cracow Studies in Culture, Society and Politics; Vol. 1), Bern / Frankfurt a.M. [u.a.]: Peter Lang 2012. She organizes biennial workshops on immigration studies at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. In January 2019, she received PAHA's 2018 James. S. Pula Distinguished Service Award for her contributions to PAHA's projects, including her role in securing funding for PAHA's 75th anniversary conference at Loyola University Chicago.