Anna Sosnowska is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Warsaw, American Studies Center.
Her research focuses on the contemporary Polish-American urban communities. She conducted her study on the Polish American community in Brooklyn while a Postdoctoral Fellow of Foundation for Polish Science at the New York University. The results of the research are published in a book Polski Greenpoint Nowy Jork. Gentryficaja, stosunki etniczne i imigrancki rynek pracy na przełomie XX i XXI wieku 2016 (in Polish)
Since 2023, her research has focused on Polish-Americans' relationship with the city of Chicago. Based on 60 in-depth individual interviews with the community leaders, extensive research on the local Polish and American press of the 21st c., analysis of the Polish-American material objects in the city and participant observation of the communal events, she currently works on her project An Abandoned City? Polish-American Chicago in the 21st c. In the summer 2023 she was a recipient of Kościuszko Foundation research grant while in 2024-2025, she is a Kosciuszko Foundation scholar at Loyola University Chicago.
Her other academic interest is Polish economic and social historiography. She is the author of Explaining Economic Backwardness. Postwar Polish Historians on Eastern Europe 2019 (
She has been a PAHA member since 2017 and shared with PAHA community the results of her research both on the Polish American diaspora and Polish historiography.