The deadline for submissions is Monday, April 14, 2025. Abstracts for papers and panel proposals should be submitted to Karen Majewski at kmajewska@comcast.net
The Polish American Historical Association’s 82nd annual meeting will be held in Chicago from Thursday, January 8 through Sunday, January 11, 2026, as part of the 139th yearly meeting of the American Historical Association.
We invite scholars who study the Polish American communities or the greater Polish diaspora as well as those who deal with migration, ethnic, and/or regional studies and would like to join discussions related (but not limited) to the following topics:
We invite proposals for sessions as well as individual papers related to all aspects of the Polish American experience (in history, sociology, literature, art, music, etc.) on both American continents.
Individual participants should include the following information when submitting a proposal:
Panel/session organizers should include the following information when submitting a panel proposal:
All PAHA conference presenters are required to join PAHA and register for the conference via the American Historical Association registration system. PAHA conference registration is free. However, while PAHA presenters do not need to join AHA, they are required to pay the presenter fee for AHA conference registration. AHA registration fees may change in 2026, but please see the AHA 2025 registration rates for your reference.
All presenters are encouraged to consider submission of their papers for publication in PAHA’s peer-reviewed journal Polish American Studies: https://polishamericanstudies.org/text/13/polish-american-studies.html.
Karen Majewski, President
Polish American Historical Associaiton