Ohio University Press
In recent months, two books in Ohio University Press’s Polish and Polish-American Studies Series have earned awards and accolades. We’re pleased to reannounce the books with their respective honors:
Writing the Polish American Woman in Postwar Ethnic Fiction
By Grażyna J. Kozaczka
—Winner of the 2020 Wacław Lednicki Award in the Humanities from the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (PIASA)
—Winner of the 2019 Oskar Halecki Prize from the Polish American Historical Association
By Lenny A. Ureña Valerio
—Winner, 2020 Kulczycki Book Prize in Polish Studies. Awarded to the best book in any discipline, on any aspect of Polish affairs, from the Association of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
—Honorable mention for the 2020 Heldt Prize for the best book by a woman in Slavic/East European/Eurasian Studies, awarded by the Association for Women in Slavic Studies
A new paperback edition of Colonial Fantasies, Imperial Realities is being published in February 2021.
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