- The Real-Life Story Behind Call Northside 777: The Crime, the Conviction, and the Search for Justice by Leonard Kurdek
- Leaving Dobrzechow: Immigration From A Galician Village by Patricia B. Yocum
Zycie na pograniczu i "zycie pomiedzy." Polacy w zaglebiu antracytowym w Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, z innymi grupami w tle (1753-1902), by Adam Walaszek (Anna Jaroszynska-Kirchmann)
The Borders of Integration: Polish Migrants in Germany and the United States, 1870-1924, by Brian McCook (Pien Versteegh)
The Polish Diaspora in America and the Wider World, by Adam Walaszek, Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bienkowska and Janusz Pezda, scientific editors; Jaros?aw Brzoskowski, editorial coordinator (James S. Pula)
Kraj bez wyjscia? Migracje z Polski 1949-1989, by Dariusz Stola (Igor Halagida)
