Polish American Studies, Autumn 2011, Volume 68, No. 2


  • A History Reawakened: Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Poles in Canada by Gabriela Pawlus Kasprzak
  • Patriotic Priests and Religious Consuls: Religion and Nationalism in the Polish Diaspora, 1918-1939 by Gabriela Pawlus Kasprzak
  • From Hurrah Revolutionaries to Polish Patriots: The Rise of Polish Canadian Radicalism, 1918-1939 by Patryk Polec
  • Ignacy Witczak's Passport, Soviet Espionage and the Origins of the Cold War in  Canada by Myron Momryk
  • Gendering and Generations: Polish-Canadian Women in the 1950s and 1970s by Eric L. Payseur 
  • Caught in a Fever? The Social and Economic Background of Emigration from  Poland in the 1980s by Malgorzata Krywult-Albanska

 Polish American Studies, Spring 2011, Volume 68, No. 1


  • Of Patriots and Presidents: America's Polish Diaspora and U.S. Foreign Policy Since 1917, by Donald E. Pienkos - 5
  • The New York Times Response to Soviet Aggression in Poland in September 1939, by Przemyslaw Ranski - 19
  • Bruce Bielaski and the Origin of the FBI, by James S. Pula - 43
  • Polish Americans Protest Immigration Restriction: A Document - 59


Trzecia Europa. Polska mysl federalistyczna w Stanach Zjednoczonych 1940-1971, by Slawomir Lukasiewicz (Anna Mazurkiewicz) - 77

Tajny orez czy ofiary zimnej wojny? Emigracje polityczne z Europy Srodkowej i Wschodniej, edited by Slawomir Lukasiewicz (Joanna Wojdon) - 82

Gender, Religion, and Migration: Pathways of Integration, by Glenda Tibe Bonifacio and Vivienne S. M. Angeles (John Grondelski) - 85

Tolerated But Never Accepted: Polish American Officials of Michigan and Polonia in a World Political Perspective, by Don Binkowski (John M. Grondelski) - 87

Bieganski: The Brute Polak Stereotype, Its Role in Polish-Jewish Relations and American Popular Culture, by Danusha V. Goska (John Grondelski) - 89