Anna Müller, holds an M.A. from the University of Gdańsk, Poland and a Ph.D. from Indiana University. She is an Associate Professor and the Frank and Mary Padzieski Endowed Professor in Polish/Polish American/Eastern European Studies in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. 

From 2010 to 2012, she worked as a curator for the Museum of the Second War in Gdańsk, Poland, where she co-curated exhibitions on the Holocaust, concentration camps, forced labor, and eugenics. In 2012, she coordinated an exhibit on contemporary masculinities and femininities in Eastern Europe, titled she, he, me. The exhibit was on display at the Harn Museum of Art in Gainesville (2012), Florida and Oloman Café in Hamtramck (2017). 

In 2015, thanks to grants from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Research and Sponsored Programs at UMD, she collaborated with photographer Tomasz Zerek and the  Emigration Museum in Gdynia on an oral history project in Hamtramck, Michigan, titled the People of Hamtramck, which included a series of interviews with Hamtramck Polonia. The project resulted in two exhibitions -- one in Hamtramck and one in Gdynia, Poland.  

The Oral Interviews recorded for that project can be found here:

She is the author of If the Walls Could Speak. Inside a Women’s Prison in Communist Poland (Oxford University Press, 2018).

Her most recent articles include:

“Neighbors and Ghosts” as part of the forum: “Is There a History of Poland Beyond the Holocaust?"  accepted for publication in The Polish Review in 2021 (vol. 66, no. 4).

“A Pole, a Jew, a Mother, a Communist: Tonia Lechtman’s Biography between Home and Exile,” Accepted to be published in East European Politics & Societies and Cultures.

“Writing Władysław Gomułka’s Life: Historiography of Władysław Gomułka’s Biographies,” accepted by EEPS (Eastern European Politics and Societies), to be published in 2021. 

 “The Return: The Long Road Home of Female Concentration Camp Inmates,” Polish Review, vol. 65, no. 3, 2020, 3-29.  

“Masculinity and Dissidence in Eastern Europe in the 1980s,” (in:) Gender in Twentieth Century Eastern Europe and the USSR, ed. Catherine Baker (Palgrave Macmillan: UK, 2016), pp. 185- 200.